How to Get Fast Twitch Muscle: Rest

Humans have two basic types of muscle fibers – Type I (Slow twitch) and Type II (Fast Twitch). Type II fibers are further separated into Type IIa (producing high power/fast twitch) and Type IIx (producing the highest power/fastest twitch). If you want to jump higher, sprint faster, and be overall more explosive, you need to:…
Instantly Jump Higher and Lift Heavier: Post-Activation Potentiation

Potentiation. Noun. The increase in strength of nerve impulses along pathways that have been used previously, either short-term or long-term. You spend months trying to jump higher and increase strength numbers. What if you could be stronger and more explosive every time you entered the gym? Enter Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP): PAP is the phenomenon by which…
How to Jump Higher: Study – Pelvic Adjustment

In training, it’s always difficult to find the reason why a certain program was effective or ineffective. This is because we don’t live in a vacuum. We are permeable membranes. Stress, lifestyle, recovery, and a hundred other things affect our results from the gym. Maybe the reason you didn’t get stronger or jump higher was because of…
How to Jump Higher: 3 Things I Learned Gaining 3.5 Inches on my Vertical Jump in 10 Days

Over the last 10 days, I saw these results: Standing Jump from 31.5 inches to 34.5 inches (+3.0 inches) Approach Jump from 34 inches to 37.5 inches (+3.5 inches) Here are some things I learned: 1) You Should Be Doing Band Assisted Jumps Video: Research: Study here, here, here, and here showing that assisted jump training is effective at improving jumping ability. Sidenote: You may not even have…