JACKEDTHLETE – High Frequency Training

JACKED [jakt] adjective – (of a person) having very well-developed muscles. ATHLETE [ˈaTHˌlēt] noun – a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise. JACKEDTHLETE is meant for competitive athletes desiring both the physical development to compete at a high level (strength, explosiveness, etc.) paired with juicy muscularity (“look good to…

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How I Squatted 500 and Deadlifted 600: Reflexive Performance Reset

You don’t know what you don’t know – Douglas Heel   My body has seen its share of setbacks: Chronic Achilles tendonitis, patellar tendonitis, low back pain, a fractured collarbone, and too many groin strains and ankle sprains to count.  After high school athletics, walking on to play college basketball was out of the question.…

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