How to Jump Higher: Accentuated Eccentrics

Holding weight in the hands and dropping it before going upwards in a jump is known as Accentuated Eccentric Loading. Compared to normal body weight jumping, this method proves to be more effective. Short-term: In elite male volleyball players, block jumps were performed at Body Weight and with a 20kg eccentric load. The body weight jumps were…
How to Jump Higher: 3 Things I Learned Gaining 3.5 Inches on my Vertical Jump in 10 Days

Over the last 10 days, I saw these results: Standing Jump from 31.5 inches to 34.5 inches (+3.0 inches) Approach Jump from 34 inches to 37.5 inches (+3.5 inches) Here are some things I learned: 1) You Should Be Doing Band Assisted Jumps Video: Research: Study here, here, here, and here showing that assisted jump training is effective at improving jumping ability. Sidenote: You may not even have…
How to Jump Higher: Eccentric Training

Paradox. Noun: a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true. As a young basketball player, my dream was to dunk a basketball. During high school, I experimented with vertical jumping programs. After years of hard training, I was disappointed – I still…