Podcast #71: Training Wisdom – NBA Strength with Claus Souza

Download iTunes “We forget that talent in the sport is still the most important characteristic for the development of the player.” “We sometimes put the methods in front of the relationship… once you build a relationship with your players, then you can implement methods. It’s not the other way around.” “They didn’t care. I cared…

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Podcast #70: Strength & Conditioning – Unplugging from the Matrix with Frank Barone

Download iTunes “Strength coaches tend to have a bottom-up approach (start with strength, elasticity and then move towards how it affects the game).” “Take the sport (scoring one more goal) as the starting point and then work back from it (what helps you do that).” “Doing less in general should be probably the first thing…

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Podcast #69: Speed Training – Questioning Tradition with Matt Hank

Download iTunes “Yeah we go in the weightroom but a monkey can run the weightroom. My energy and focus is more on field, on court.” “That’s not running [punching]… what does that have to do with picking your foot on the ground and cycling it with coordination, timing, and sequence? Almost nothing.” “It’s easy to…

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Podcast #68: Dunk Wisdom with Ryan Nagle

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-68-dunk-wisdom-with-ryan-nagle/id1462537296?i=1000561134712 Download “I think the main thing that transformed my vert was jumping a ton [4 times per week] and that’s not sustainable for me now.” “Even though the volume of my lifting was so low [2 sets per week], I still got substantial strength gains in my first year.” Getting a better penultimate: “Just…

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Podcast #67: Dunk Wisdom with Mik Hrabczuk

https://traffic.libsyn.com/jackedathlete/Mik_Hrabczuk_Podcast.mp3?_ga=2.67545430.612021422.1652111621-1085915535.1651259611 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-67-dunk-wisdom-with-mik-hrabczuk/id1462537296?i=1000560076035 Olympic weightlifting: “It just clicked for me.” Snatch: “The positions are very similar to a standing vert.” “The Olympic lifts worked for me because I’m very competitive-driven… I find trouble training if there’s not something on the line.” Keeping approach vert above standing through heavy lifting phases: “I always practiced running vert.” Hitting…

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Episode #66: Daniel Back (Jump Science)

iTunes Podcast Download “Sports themselves don’t seem to really develop athleticism as well as you might think.” “6 months of the year, you should try to play less basketball.” Calf/Achilles: “Yes, strength training, 100%… but the plyometric realm is a big source of Achilles development.” “Any time you’re heel striking, your momentum is going to…

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Episode #65: Tim Riley

Link to iTunes Download Back in the day: “My total is going up, my squat is getting bigger, and my knee pain is going through the roof.” Knee pain: “atrophied quad… foam roller bridge, cramps up immediately.” “My approach is Scorched Earth… We’re gonna do all of it.” “Isometrics for the quad, quad pumps, getting…

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Episode #64: Pressure Management is Everything with Greg Hawthorne

https://traffic.libsyn.com/jackedathlete/Greg_Hawthorne_Pressure.mp3?_ga=2.113786816.611232418.1646422214-1345337195.1645564302 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 “When the muscle expands, we’re creating force. When it compresses, we’re not creating force.” “Muscle and the contractile elements aren’t the show.” “Most things in our body are signaled through pressure or lack thereof.” Grade 1/2 ankle sprain: “Drastic increase in pressure or tension within the non-injured tissue creates the discomfort.” “Slow moving…

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Episode #63: Training Wisdom with Ben Simons

https://traffic.libsyn.com/jackedathlete/Ben_Simons_Podcast.mp3?_ga=2.105112960.286522495.1646258534-1345337195.1645564302 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 “The muscle building element of pushing sleds is kind of downplayed.” “Doing heavy loaded accelerations, my hamstrings blew up.” Injuries from gaining too much weight too fast: “You just don’t have the chassis to handle your genetic potential.” Pushing a sled: “That stabilization mechanism through the anterior oblique sling is taken out slightly,…

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Episode #62: Health Architect with Dr. Patrick O’Brien

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-62-health-architect-with-dr-patrick-obrien/id1462537296?i=1000551926550 https://traffic.libsyn.com/jackedathlete/Dr._Pat_OBrien_Podcast.mp3?_ga=2.142828092.8625547.1645564302-1345337195.1645564302 “I need to adjust that level of the spine but I need to work on the soft tissues. If I just do one or the other, maybe I’m not fixing that patient completely.” “Every sport gets you in shape but out of balance.” “That’s an unnatural movement, skating itself.” “Most athletes are overtrained…

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