Podcast #52: Dunk Wisdom with Anthony Height

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 “I’ll do upper body… legs, I don’t really touch them.” Sports as a kid: “I played pretty much anything I could play.” “I wouldn’t even say jumping is my best, I think running is my best athletic thing.” “I got my first dunk in 6th grade on accident.” Jump ability: “I think a mixture…
Podcast #51: Strength & Conditioning – Problems & Solutions with Max Schmarzo

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 “Strength coaches always complain the sport coaches don’t understand strength and conditioning. Do sport coaches get to complain that you don’t know the sport?” “It’s not KPIs, it’s rate limiting factors… what is something that might guarantee failure. It won’t guarantee success.” “It’s not availability is the best ability. It’s being good at your…
Podcast #50: Good Drill with Bobby Whyte

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 Getting the rust off… “It’s not rust” “The more novice the athlete is, the more they’ll get out of pre-meditated stuff.” Working isolated skills: “Basketball players develop habits… not good players develop a lot of bad habits.” Working with China basketball: “If I can just cut down the amount of load, I think that…
Podcast #49: Red Pill Strength & Conditioning (Part 2) with Brian Shrum

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 “I think we should be more like Wal-Mart… for some reason, the sport world is like the outlets.” “If my intentions are to prove somebody wrong, we’re never going to get anywhere.” “What if we start with commonality, which is the sport itself.” GPS: “If you know the game well enough, you’re not having…
Podcast #48: Basketball Strength with Justin Ochoa

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 Training Basketball Players “Everything is individualized to the person and the sport is not as important as the person.” “We look at what do they lack the most? and can we fill that bucket.” “You’re either fast and weak or you’re strong and slow.” “How. many max effort jump, how many max effort sprints…
Podcast #47: Dunk Wisdom with Jumps By Chi

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 Lifting High school: “3×10, 3×12, benching, squatting, lunges. Really simple stuff.” College: “French contrast training, a lot more bounding and approach work for long jump and triple jump. I think the combination of all those set me up.” “Squatting is probably my main movement. Back squat specifically.” “Hip hinging… eased so much of the…
Podcast #46: Jumps, Knees, Basketball with Nick Cuzzone
https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 Performance Natural, elastic, springy guy: “If we put 3 inches on your vertical, is that gonna make you that much of a better basketball player?” “If we put on 15 pounds of good weight, that’s probably gonna help you more make that transition to the college game.” “The ones who are serious about playing…
Podcast #45: Go Down Leg, Stand Up Leg with Adarian Barr

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 Sweet Spot “Squat down, grab your toes, straighten your legs out, there goes your sweet spot.” “The sweet spot on the go up leg is going to be tall, in a sense… on the go down leg is going to be more of a horizontal pointing direction.” Up Leg, Down Leg Legs: “One of…
Podcast #44: Patellar Tendinopathy vs. Patellofemoral Pain (Part 2) with Jill Cook

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 Differential Diagnosis “Pathology is not the cause of pain” You can’t have both PFP and PT “because they’re completely different loads that initiate them.” “To get patellar tendinopathy, you have to have really high tendon loads and you won’t get to high tendon loads if you have patellofemoral pain because you actually can’t get…
Podcast #43: Rehab 2.0 with David Grey

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 “Most people, there’s just massive amounts of low hanging fruit. In general, most people do things really poorly and they don’t have to get that fancy for the first 80% of their training.” In relation to PRI and asymmetries: “We have two sides of the body and we still need to be able to…