Episode #66: Daniel Back (Jump Science)

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“Sports themselves don’t seem to really develop athleticism as well as you might think.”

“6 months of the year, you should try to play less basketball.”

Calf/Achilles: “Yes, strength training, 100%… but the plyometric realm is a big source of Achilles development.”

“Any time you’re heel striking, your momentum is going to force your foot down and you’re going to get eccentric overload in your Tibialis Anterior, so you’re going to get a lot of strength development from that.”

“People who are natural heel strikers when they run will actually have really strong tibs.”

“For a relatively slow two-foot jumper, is getting track and field elasticity a huge contributor? Probably not.”

“I think you need the volume to build up that lightness on your feet.”

“The intensive Plyos are maybe tapping more into training your reflexes and nervous system than they are your lightness on your feet… I think you need reps to get it.”

“The training outside of that is mostly the same… we’re trying to be a good all around general athlete and you combine that with practicing the thing and that’s the formula.”

“The track stuff, that is going to play more of a role for one-foot jumping than it is for two.”

“Maybe there’s a little more separation between strength and one-leg jumping than there is between strength and two-foot jumping.”

“A 2-week deload and you’re as good as you’re gonna get.”

“Maybe the one-foot jumping benefits from a 6-week deload.”

“I’m not big on coaching jump technique… there’s definitely a case with beginners.”

“Really I think the method is, you gotta get reps… and that’s where your jump technique comes from.”

“Kids can jump a lot and it should not be an issue for them. Once you get tall and heavy, that’s where it starts to become more of a risk factor.”

“People with strong quads are a lot more durable… even if something [Jumper’s Knee] flares up, they recover fast.”

For knee health: “Having a strong and elastic lower leg… maybe things are actually softened a little bit or they’re handled well.

“Getting off the ground fast seems to require that you have good knee strength.”

“There’s a certain level of flexibility I want to see people have and once you have it, you don’t have to keep trying to increase it.”

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