Podcast #42: More Neurology with Dan Fichter

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 The Brain “Voluntary movement happens in the weight room. That’s 10% of our output. The other 90% is reflexive.” “Pain is completely neurological.” “The brain stem controls your flexion and extension synergies.” “There’s nothing wrong with it [proprioceptive work], it’s just neurology has a greater impact on your overall movement capacity and your ability…
Podcast #41: Muscle Physiology in Knee Pain with Greg Hawthorne

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 Funnel Types “The wider you are up top versus the narrower you are on the bottom, the better force producer you’re going to be.” “You’re taking a whole lot of stuff and you’re pushing your guts down into a smaller bowl…. I’m going to build up that pressure fast.” “Really wide hips… really small…
Podcast #40: Knee Pain Biomechanics with Conor Harris

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 Why do table tests even matter? “If you can’t do it on the table, there’s no way you’re going to be able to do it on the field or on the court or in the weightroom without compensating.” Ankle Sprains “If you can’t trust that foot… then everything up the chain is going to…
Podcast #39: Collisions with Adarian Barr

https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/jackedathlete/Adarian_Barr_Collisions.mp3 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 Collisions Harmonics and vibrations, wanted and unwanted. “Collisions can create unwanted vibrations.” “A bad collision creates unwanted vibrations.” “It’s a collision all the time.” “How do I make these things work to smooth out so they’re not just destroying tissue.” Delaying the collision “I want the vibrations to travel a longer path, not…
Podcast #38: Neurology and Pain with Jeff Moyer

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 “No one system of the body gets injured alone and no one system of the body heals alone.” “I’ve never assessed an athlete who has knee pain, non-contact related, that was not a heel striker when they run.” “Total Motion Release Technique, in a nutshell is just, use the good side to fix the…
Podcast #37: Simplifying Compression and Expansion with Angus Bradley

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-37-simplifying-expansion-compression-angus/id1462537296?i=1000521057627 “When we inhale, your thorax gets bigger, you’re expanding.” Compression/exhalation/force production side of things. Inhalation/expansion/yielding movement. “That’s all athletic training is… these constant cycles of compression and expansion in various ways.” “Some people have long ground contact, some people have short ground contact, some people have long penultimate steps, some people have short penultimate……
Podcast #36: Dunk Wisdom with Isaiah Rivera

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 Bounce “Sprinting is probably the biggest thing that I’ve added, that I never used to do. And it’s had a huge impact on my jumping.” “One of the best things a young athlete can do if they want to jump high: play a ton of sports.” Torque: “The person that’s built more thick, they…
Podcast #35: The Brain in Pain and Performance with Chris Daly (S10 Fitness)

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 The Systems “Without a vestibular system, you cannot control your limbs and eyes.” “Without a visual system, you are having a hard time planning.” “Without both, all of our voluntary movements are kind of disrupted.” “It’s more about congruency than anything. So if you’re not performing with your eyes, ears, and body, threat or…
Podcast #34: Knee Pain – What’s Not Working with Dave O’Sullivan
//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/18913970/height/360/theme/legacy/thumbnail/yes/direction/backward/ https://open.spotify.com/embed-podcast/episode/6DzB0UoIpN1TggEZxuBqiK https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 Iceberg Above the water – what you’re telling me, what you’re doing, how you’re moving Under the water – the nervous system Load Tolerance “Tolerate, that’s the key word”. “We’re not strengthening someone, we’re tolerating the load through the tissues.” “Load Tolerance is more about coordination and the nervous system as opposed…
Podcast #33: Dunk Wisdom with Jonathan Clark

//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/18459587/height/360/theme/legacy/thumbnail/yes/direction/backward/ https://embed.podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296 “I can always go between the legs, I can always do 360s. But the elite level stuff, I have to hit certain physical criteria (e.g. bodyweight, mobility).” Training for dunking vs. Training for track and field: “To be honest, nothing has changed.” Periodization: General Prep to Sport Specific to Competitive Phase General Prep.…