Podcast #102: Keir Wenham-Flatt

“It’s baked into the salary, they know you want to be there so they pay you less… it’s the same thing with wearing shorts to work, having a meal card.” Why strength coach network was made: “Poverty.” “Training athletes is an inherently seasonal business.” “In a gold rush, sell shovels… in S&C, there’s a lot…
Podcast #101: Matt Aldred

“I’ve got no experience playing the sport, so I have to learn the sport, I have to dissect it, I have to reverse engineer, I have to listen, I have to watch practice.” “I’ve got to learn it if I want to be the best.” “I’m no threat… players don’t want a threat, they want…
Podcast #100: Zach McManus

“There’s so much information out there and then you get out there and you get exposed to something that’s not exactly how the book said it was… the first day, nobody got hurt, everybody kinda left and was in a good mood… nobody is here to arrest me because our work to rest is off.”…
Podcast #99: Alex Richard

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000634185397 “It’s just exercise, man.” “Is it a squatober PR if you gained 20 pounds of fat.” “They’re probably getting a lot of negativity through their sport, so if we provide more negativity with the same, boring, redundant training program.” Rows, chins: “Which one has a better stimulus? What if the rope [climb] is more…
Podcast #98: Jeffrey Wolf

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000633871425 “I think you can be honest with your marketing without being super over sensational.” “It used to be people come in, I’m looking to get in shape, put on a little muscle, lose a little weight… now, everyone who comes in has self diagnosed them self to the nth degree.” “It’s just harder now…
Podcast #97: Kendrick Pratt

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000633786343 2-3 hour practice: “you’re not training that hard for 3 hours.” “The team that’s the freshest has the higher probability of winning.” “They’ve been extremely open and receptive to pulling back because we are able to put values to drills (hard, medium, easy).” “When we vertically integrate hard, medium, and easy drills into practice,…
Podcast #96: Train Efficiently with Jarod Burton

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000633651429 “Sometimes people get into pain because their body doesn’t know where their joints are in relation to space.” “As soon as your body compensates and the muscle is no longer functioning the way that it needs to, now that’s affected a region of the brain.” “If the body is not firing appropriately, it’s affecting…
Podcast #95: Transcending Performance with Brett Adams

“Coming to the realization I have no idea how to program.” “Some coaches are playing tic tac toe with other coaches.” “That’s my issue. I’m trying to figure out what performance is.” “The performance or the mini performances in the performance or the silence of the move… that’s what makes the music [the silence in…
Podcast #94: The Unavoidable Prerequisite to Bounce: A History of Jumping with Dan Back (Jump Science

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000633247129 Age 13: “Got an adjustable hoop… Back squats and calf raises 5 days a week… 2 sets of 25 squats, 2 sets of 100 calf raises on a 2×4.” “Those ridiculous squat and calf raise workouts helped but why did they help? Well you were jumping a lot and that might have been the…
Podcast #93: Aimless Talk with Tim Riley

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000632948866 “The amount of followers you have matters. It really matters.” “If I want to learn from another coach, I buy their programs, I will spend money to sit with them on zoom.” “Success, in the training world, is just a war of attrition.” Snowpocalypse. “We were eating ancestral blend meat and white rice and…