Podcast #108: Achilles Tendons with Karin Silbernagel

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000649224209 Tendon: “it’s a very mechano-sensitive tissue.” “The tendon doesn’t do well with biopsies… you really don’t want to start poking and cutting things out of the tendon in general.” “Sometimes maybe you need to cause a chaos [in a ‘stuck’ tendon].” “There are subgroup of people with Achilles/patellar tendinopathy, but if you’re not thinking…

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Podcast #107: Red Pill Strength & Conditioning (Part 3) with Brian Shrum

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000642549668 “The profession misses some form of understanding of who they are before they get started in strength and conditioning.” “The coaching profession is just something you fall into.” “Why is it that coaches in the S&C profession have to scream and be loud and obnoxious… and then turn around and talk to that same…

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Podcast: #106 Mike Boyle

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000642410616 “I ended up in this strength and conditioning hothouse.” “I didn’t like whiny people, I didn’t like hurt people… I felt like sometimes the training room was a place for people to go cause they didn’t want to go to practice.” “I didn’t even start to make a dent until I was probably 40…

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Podcast #105: Rodrigo Alvira (Spaniard Performance)

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000640270154 Being underweight: “I stopped playing basketball which was one of the biggest things that made me gain weight.” “The physical preparation stuff was more focused on the court… everything was trying to imitate the movement on the basketball court… a lot of core workouts, first step workouts, step back workouts.” “When you get here…

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Podcast #104: Good Drill Roundtable with Bobby Whyte, Ross Greenfield, and Alex Esposito

Bobby: “Everything is elite… people just start throwing the word elite in front of it and you look at all these camps, clinics, AAU teams and they are very, very far from elite.” Ross: “A bad drill is anything where there’s not a challenge.” Ross: “If a coach is constantly trying to overcorrect and talk,…

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Podcast #103: Meathead Roundtable with Austin Jochum and Eric Guthrie

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000635331491 Weird entitlement: “You can’t just throw it all out and say it doesn’t matter without it ever mattering.” Eric: “How do you give a kid a decade of experience in two years of a GA or a semester as an intern?” Austin: “The people we followed kind of made us feel like a moron……

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Podcast #102: Keir Wenham-Flatt

“It’s baked into the salary, they know you want to be there so they pay you less… it’s the same thing with wearing shorts to work, having a meal card.” Why strength coach network was made: “Poverty.” “Training athletes is an inherently seasonal business.” “In a gold rush, sell shovels… in S&C, there’s a lot…

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Podcast #101: Matt Aldred

“I’ve got no experience playing the sport, so I have to learn the sport, I have to dissect it, I have to reverse engineer, I have to listen, I have to watch practice.” “I’ve got to learn it if I want to be the best.” “I’m no threat… players don’t want a threat, they want…

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Podcast #100: Zach McManus

“There’s so much information out there and then you get out there and you get exposed to something that’s not exactly how the book said it was… the first day, nobody got hurt, everybody kinda left and was in a good mood… nobody is here to arrest me because our work to rest is off.”…

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Podcast #99: Alex Richard

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000634185397 “It’s just exercise, man.” “Is it a squatober PR if you gained 20 pounds of fat.” “They’re probably getting a lot of negativity through their sport, so if we provide more negativity with the same, boring, redundant training program.” Rows, chins: “Which one has a better stimulus? What if the rope [climb] is more…

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