Podcast #121: Fascia: Making Sense of the Nonsense with Danny Foley

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fascia-making-sense-of-the-nonsense-with-danny-foley/id1462537296?i=1000658083393 “It never really made sense to me how something so sophisticated and so vexing could be so dull and boring in lab and in lecture.” “We [Tim Kelly and Danny] were trying to figure out how to be strength and conditioning coaches when strength and conditioning doesn’t work [due to injuries].” “Even without saying…
Podcast #120: Aimless Talk (Part 2) with Will Ratelle

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000657171986 CSCCa: Lift, nap, dunk, repeat. Fascia: “I don’t care.” NBA > NFL Programming for 3-4 weeks in 10 minutes Not needing to coach someone because they’re self sufficient. “A good coach is getting someone to be self sufficient at this stuff.” Side eye looks from guys when you overcoach. “If I was that kid,…
Podcast #119: Tendon Gel (The Interfascicular Matrix) with Hazel Screen

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000656738485 “Tendons are fiber composite. It’s collagen fibers that are surrounded by a soft gooey matrix, it’s how we make fiber composites if we try to make them in industry, tendon does it for us naturally.” “The strains that the whole tendon could see were like twice as much as the failure strain for the…
Podcast #118: Achilles Tendon Injuries with Derek Hansen

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000655701674 “The rehab [for ACL] is at a point now where it’s like okay we’ll rehab you and get you back… whereas the Achilles tendon, you see how debilitated somebody is after it and then beyond.” “In T&F, you might see patellar tendonitis, foot and ankle stuff, shin splints, etc… but I had never seen…
Podcast #117: Patellar & Achilles Tendon Rehab with Stefan Valdes

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000655484554 “Physical therapy, strength and conditioning. It’s just a spectrum.” Unsuccessful NBA player with patellar tendinopathy: “I don’t think we were loading him up enough. We thought high load was a heavy isometric long duration.” “All these contacts from the ground, which is pretty much what degrades the tendon if the tendon isn’t strong or…
Podcast #116: Patellofemoral Pain and Bone Stress Injuries with Rich Willy

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000654091471 Patellofemoral Pain (PFP) “I try not to use the term treatment when it comes to, I probably prefer the term management.” “If you go out and you make a training load error, that training load error is going to manifest itself as that past injury that you had and that’s probably because you still…
Podcast #115: Achilles & Patellar Tendons with Jarrod Antilock

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000653720467 “With a hamstring injury, you’re out, you can’t perform… whereas a tendinopathy, you can kind of warmup, so we found it was more a performance-limiting disease.” “There are genetic predispositions to tendinopathy… our aboriginal is very highly prone to patellar tendinopathy.” “Because they’re not competing every weekend, we really could make quite a difference…
Podcast #114: Achilles Tendons (Part 2) with Karin Silbernagel

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000653260160 “I think we need to focus on tendon health, not on tendon injury” “The healthier tendons we have, the less likely we probably are to have major ruptures.” Collage fibrils runs end to end: “When you have tendinopathy, maybe it’s not rupture of the collagen, maybe it’s changes between the fibers… but when you…
Podcast #113: Achilles Talk with Colin Griffin

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000651573324 “You can get just the same benefit, if not slightly better, by going low volume, low frequency, but high intensity loading [compared to daily calf raises].” “We want to see, if you improve function and capacity, does that take care of the pain response? And broadly speaking, it did, but not everybody responds at…
Podcast #112: Aimless Talk: Plyo Edition with Matt McInnes Watson and Tim Riley

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/jacked-athlete-podcast/id1462537296?i=1000651472314 Sans Plyometrics Matt: “Let’s say someone that’s back squatting and they get a lot of knee extension before they can get their hips through, that often resides in what they do when they takeoff [in a jump].” Tim: “People who don’t have any jump history, I do think there is something useful about the…