Podcast #99: Alex Richard


“It’s just exercise, man.”

“Is it a squatober PR if you gained 20 pounds of fat.”

“They’re probably getting a lot of negativity through their sport, so if we provide more negativity with the same, boring, redundant training program.”

Rows, chins: “Which one has a better stimulus? What if the rope [climb] is more stimulating?”

“Why was there a rope in the high school in the 80s and 90s, were those people scared and thinking like a lawyer?”

“We watch these athletes do phenomenomal things on the field or court but we’re scared in our own controlled environment to have them do a rope climb because it might be dangerous?”

“If you polled the kids… which kid enjoyed their session more… I guarantee the chaotic environment is gonna have better attendance and feedback. Just because you’re letting them act themselves rather than forcing some rigid environment on them.”

“I went from exercising a lot to not exercising very much and now I’m exercising a lot again.”

“The middle phase, you can fall in the PRI trap, that’s just a soft trap, you just detrain yourself, or maybe you fall in the Triphasic trap… really what I am is, I just like doing a lot of exercise and I want my kids to do a lot of exercise.”

Push to pull ratio: “it’s just made up.”

How much do you share/withhold: “that’s 10 years of coaching… I feel like I’m just quiet sometimes.”

“I non intervene so much more than I used to.”

“I think the first team that decided to lift weights was doing it for the look.”

Arguing over exercise selection: “You’re taking the hair and splitting it and we all know how thin the hair is.”

What is the goal of lifting: “I think that’s a safe place to be [bigger, faster, stronger].”

“We’re in an intervention profession… what do they really need? At what point is it too much?“

“If you miss that critical development… you can see it… you can start a squat program but their vertical jump doesn’t move… it’s too late, the ship has sailed.”

“If a kid has no vertical at age 17 and he has no background, come on man. You can do as many depth drops from 50 inches as you want, this is not gonna help.”

“People that are searching that don’t have good verticals…. I’ve never had a 40 inch vertical ask me those questions.”

“How adults reacted and intervened might make that kid believe the injury is more serious.”

“If we don’t have adults around intervening I think kids are way more invincible… we make them less invincible.“

Sprained ankle: “How the adults and people react determines how quickly that injury heals or the severity of it.”

“If you take a kid that is more prone towards neuroticism, you’ve made it way worse.”

“Most soft tissue injuries heal themselves but if you’re in a neurotic environment, they don’t heal themselves because you’re constantly thinking about it.”

“If you’re in an environment around neurotic people that are intervening, that little soft tissue injury is gonna linger way longer.”

“I use big terms, I scare them. Reframe, redirect the conversation.”

“Those first, initial reactions, those conversations you have with them, are super critical to how long this soft tissue injury is gonna linger.”

“Your voice and the words you use when an athlete comes to you in pain is super critical in how long the soft tissue injury lingers.”

Corrective exercise program: “Dude, you’re doing more harm… if it’s the right kid, I’ll tell them stop doing that. Walk into the gym, grab a basketball and start shooting. You don’t need to do 10-20 minutes of activation and warmup to play.”

“Redirect them, use good language, and stop scaring them. The body is resilient. Soft tissue stuff is gonna heal by itself most of the time.”

“We put them in the light right away, and what does a kid in the light do? They go home and searching on their phone whatever diagnosis you did. That’s a slippery slope.”

“You can either send them down the fragile, neurotic path or the Antifragile/I got this/I’m gonna heal this path.”

“There’s a lot of issues in sports performance where people think they’re helping but they’re hurting.”

3rd grade bball: “The best players were, can you do a right hand layup.”

“Whether Grover did Pilates, CrossFit, bodybuilding, Poliquin supplement protocol, they’re gonna rise to that level no matter what because their genes are invincible.”

“Don’t scare these kids, they’re gonna have aches and pains, empower them, make them feel resilient.”

“I think nurture is such a small impact… elite people are gonna rise.”

“We would all do the same training program and some of them would morph right in front of you. That is nature. Their DNA responds to training so differently.”

“The cream will rise… you’re gonna believe as a young coach that nurture is way more important. But the more you’re around them, you’re like, man it doesn’t really matter, the top guys are gonna get there.”

“I would rather have them [first year strength coach] training my athletes than the person that’s in years 5-6… I’d rather have the young over eager person because at least they’re gonna get an exercise stimulus. Sometimes the people in the middle are getting no stimulus at all. That middle area is a trap.”

“Maybe the traps are necessary. You get through the forest and you find some light at the end.”

Alex’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coach_alexrichard/