- In the 1972 Munich Games, Dietmar was an attendant.. for the 100m dash, a Russian sprinter wanted to warm-up in the weight room. He did 10 reps deep squat 30% 1RM. Slapped on more weight. Did 3 reps at a percentage that had to have been above 90%, then he crawled into the blocks and won a gold medal.
- Injuries occur late in the game because the athlete is fatigued. Pre-game warm-ups don’t really help here.
- What a warm-up should be (e.g. for soccer): A few minutes of jogging or kicking the ball around… some skips, dynamic movement, some dynamic stretching… it should not be that taxing.
- “Deion Sanders ran a 4.19 in spite of not warming up.” “Maybe he ran it because he didn’t warm-up.”
- “Know why you’re warming up and don’t overemphasize the warm-up”
- “Why are we robbing energy before the game when the athletes are gonna need that energy late in the game. And then they get fatigued late in the game and that’s when most injuries happen.”
- For T&F sprint/throws: “Figure out which Post-Activation Potentiation works best for them and roll with that.”
- “There’s so many other things besides warming up that can contribute to injury but we go straight to warm-up.”
Stochastic Resonance Therapy:
- “How many things in training athletes right now… someone creates a solution and then they go looking for problems to solve with that solution?” Stochastic resonance came because there was a problem that needed a solution.
- 8-weeks with sports science students doing 30-minutes per week of Stochastic Resonance Therapy, reciprocal inhibition… “started to approach elite level athlete.”
- “The time frame that ACL ruptures.. sport.. and reflex happen in is less than 200 milliseconds.” Power Plate is not working in that time frame – it’s sinusoidal (the same vibration wave every single time). SRT is all random.
- “Every ACL rupture happens in 200 milliseconds or less.”
- Unstable balance training – “If you’ve ruptured an ACL or a tendon or pulled a muscle, you’re retraining your inhibited stretch responses (reflexes) to be too slow to for what you’re gonna see in competition and sport.”
- “I think there’s a missing link in rehab… we have ACL people balancing on Airex pads, when really the Germans are ahead of us… just skip it… but neurologically what are we doing for our orthopaedic injury rehabilitation, there’s a missing link.”
Links to videos and stuff mentioned:

Unexpected Disturbances Study: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272077127_Unexpected_Disturbance_Program_for_Rehabilitation_of_High_Performance_Athletes
Warm-Up Study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22692105
Kyle Harris Email: kyledharris2017@gmail.com
Kyle Harris Cell: 605-454-1418