Podcast #135: Tendons with Steven Sahyoun


Achilles that went on to rupture: “The biggest thing that stood out to me was I always struggled with plantar flexion on that side. Especially like getting end range plantar flexion and I was seeing a physio at the time and I had been wrestling for about six months on and off and I really felt like I had a dead foot. I just couldn’t get a good connection with the calf in terms of chasing a pump and a good contraction around that area. And every time I went into a calf raise, it just really felt like I was just gripping the floor. My toes were doing all the work.”

“What I’ve experienced now is trying to keep the toes long but don’t worry about getting max plantar flexion or use two feet to get into max plantar flexion and then slowly take one leg away but focus on driving the ball of your foot into the floor really hard and trying to wiggle your toes and keep them relaxed. And I found that the contraction that I get through the calf is something I’ve never experienced before.”

“When I was in the army, I had severe Achilles tendonitis. Like it was so sore to touch. And even just putting a shoe on and the shoe rubbing over the back of the calcaneus, just at the insertion there was quite painful.”

“Walking was quite therapeutic as well for the Achilles. And that seemed to work just with reducing inhibition and getting rid of some of the pain.”

“That’s what works for me with the flare ups were the isometrics, especially the long hold isometrics. Overcoming was a big mistake. Trying to do overcoming isometrics too soon, that pissed it off even more. In the early stage, or when it had flare ups. Right now, overcoming isometrics are like my number one thing for the Achilles.”

“Some of the common issues that we see with medial and lateral elbow pain is just a really big spike in training load. Where you get someone who sits behind a desk all day and he’s a 30 year old Joe who probably weighs around 70, 75 kilos and he goes to a grappling gym and he’s got a 100 kilo man on top of him and he’s tapping away on a keyboard and he’s never really trained in the weight room before. So his grip strength’s fairly weak and they go into this sport where they have to use their hands a lot. They’re usually ones that really have a big problem with elbow pain.”

Elbow tendons: “I pushed through the pain and nine times out of 10, when I pushed through some pain, slight pain and discomfort, I came out better on the other side. It was obviously the fast jerk movements that forced it back into flexion were the ones that pissed it off the most… But the main things that really gave it a lot of relief were training the grip isometrically, hanging off a bar, training the elbow joints, pronation, supination, wrist flexion extension, radial and ulnar deviation.”

Adductor tear: “Just sitting down doing nothing was making me feel sick because of the pain, and I didn’t want to take any anti-inflammatories or anything. So I just stood on one leg. I just stood on one leg and I’d stand there with isometrics, like literally six hours later. And then I’d stand up on a step and I’d just hang and drop my hip to one side and start moving my hip.”

“With rehab, I feel like you can have the perfect plan, but not everyone progresses the same way.”

“And there’s no like set rule, but I do think having a framework around rehab or around Achilles tendons and stuff like that is important, but you need to be able to deviate off it based on the feedback and what you’re seeing, the way they’re actually loading these positions.”

Elbow tendon pain: “What usually happens is we have to obviously take time away from grappling because that’s going to poke the bear. have to take time away from things that are going to make the matters worse.”

Flexi stick: “We were getting tremendous relief with that one exercise.”

“I think a lot of elbow pain can get misdiagnosed from the neck.”

Elbow tendon pain: “I found that you have to look at it all. You’ve got to look at the shoulder blade. You’ve got to look at the range of motion within the shoulder, the flexion, especially with going through external rotation and internal rotation of the actual shoulder. You’re going to see that if someone’s fairly limited with external rotation of the shoulder joint, you’re going to get a lot more pressure down on the medial part of the elbow.”

“Some of the positions that in BJJ where you are getting put into these positions where they’re pulling their arms around their head and the elbow goes through a whole heap amount of flexion and aggressive amounts of extension and a lot of pronation, supination and twisting, we need to get strong in these positions in a controlled environment.”

“Essentially people will say, you’re just double loading the individual. Well, it’s like, well, would you give a sprinter calf raises? Would you give a sprinter a box squat? Yeah, you would to improve performance. So why not train the elbow joints in a similar fashion if you’re gonna be using your hands a lot in a contact sport where they’re the first point of contact?”

“I think the lowest hanging fruit, if someone is dealing with elbow pain, is to train your grip. If you’ve got really chronic elbow pain, you don’t want to bend your elbow. You don’t want to pick things up.”

“The easiest way to get some load through that elbow because tendons love load and we need to the tendon as soon as we can or get some load through there to promote the healing process is grip something. Just pick something up and hang your hand by the side of your body and just take it close to fire. And just do three sets of that twice a day and start there.”

Meniscus tears: “They’ve had so much inhibition and atrophy around that area that they move like shit on that side. So first thing we do like straight after surgery is get the hips and feet moving if we can.”

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Steven’s Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/1cQwoKXtHgfK8rXOg7205A?si=7e0d59abee61426d

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