On the 1×20 System:
- “What is the least amount we need to do to get the highest result we need?” “The most minimalist approach I know of… the 1×20 system.”
- At Hamilton College, half did 5/3/1 Vertical Integration, half did 1×20. Every 8-weeks, vertical jumps and single-leg broad jumps… after about 24 weeks, I just converted everyone over to 1×20. “It was literally a 2:1 improvement in jumping ability with athletes with doing just less.. and the strength numbers were matched.” “We don’t see injuries. We really don’t have any soft tissue injuries.”
- “We do tempo running because it helps heat up the motor units and it strengthens tendons and ligaments.” “It’s hard to get blood flow to ligaments and tendons and if you do a heavy set of 20… you’re gonna get some blood flow.”
- 1×20 is not like a 5/3/1 where you just apply these loading parameters… it’s a philosophy. It’s the exercises and exercise selection that matters, 1×20 is just the loading parameters.
- “This might sound crazy, but.. Getting kids strong is pretty easy, in my opinion.”
On Reflexive Performance Reset:
- (With vision field testing) “You’ll find… all of a sudden their arm goes completely weak.”
- “If an athlete sprains their ankle, I can shine this red light on them and it helps.” (Dan Fichter)
On Vision Training:
- What I do is general in nature visually, I still think it transfers. (Same as how a general back squat 1RM increase can decrease a 10 yard sprint or increase a broad jump).
- To start: Get a visual board.
- Mental toughness definition: It’s the ability to sustain focus on your task under stress.
- Soccer footwork drills. Closed, no perceptual aspect. Visual boards can allow that.
- Jeff’s book recommendation on Vision Training: The Quiet Eye by Joan Vickers
On the Glute Ham Raise:
- Doc’s GHR gets both ends of the hamstrings simultaneously, creating a double contraction.
- Axis of rotation needs to be at the origin of the hamstrings. The butt is hanging over and the hamstrings are long.
- Doc’s GHR literally works everything on the backside.
- Most people when they try it with a double contraction.. they really struggle.
- “Doctor Yessis’s version is the most superior version to do on the GHR, or any hamstring exercise for that matter.”
Other Notes:
- Keep things fun, they’re more likely to come back (Competitions in the warm-up).
- Games in warm-ups can bring in high levels of stress.
- If you’re building anything, you start from the base. So why don’t I do that with my athletes? (Start with the feet).
- Is vision training voodoo? “Placebos work too.”