The secret of half the reps, twice the sets...
That's me... enough muscle to look like I lift with a ~40 inch vertical jump.
But it wasn't always this way. I could never do both at once.
It seemed there was no way around it. Train to get big? Lose athleticism. Train to get athletic? Lose size.
Impossible to get both jacked and jump out of the gym.
Until I found Hypertrophy Clusters.

I ended the basketball season at around 175 lbs. and am now back up to 190 lbs. while feeling the same in terms of explosiveness on the court. Strength wise, at the end of the season I was benching 70kg for reps and am now benching 80kg for reps. I’m also back to squatting 140kg for reps after struggling to squat 120kg for reps during the season.
Chris T. Division III Basketball Player
Arne N.
Before I started the program, my max 1-rep squat was 315 lbs., I wasn’t able to do 2 reps, now I do 3 reps easily. My deadlift was 315 for 1 rep and now I do 405 lbs. for 6 reps. I definitely increased in endurance, power, and I am leaner
Peter A., Former Collegiate Baseball Player
In 5 weeks, my back squat has increased 60 lbs., deadlift up 65 lbs., and bench press up 40 lbs. since starting the Hypertrophy Cluster Protocol
A couple months ago I reached out to Jake because I was having trouble finding the right workout for myself. I didn’t know what to do, I loved to be in the weight room but nothing was transferring over to the ball field for me. Whenever I did think the workout was good, I would end up with injuries after. This semester Jake showed me cluster training and I have seen pretty great results with my strength and power. Three cluster lifts that have been really beneficial for me are the squats, dumbbell bench, and incline dumbbell bench. I have seen more mass on myself, and I have been throwing the baseball a couple mph faster this year. Most importantly, I have been injury free while doing a cluster workout every day for the week.
Brady S. Division III Baseball Player
Jerry S., Strength and Conditioning CoachMy bench has increased. But also my hang clean and strict military press have gone up significantly
Zach C., Hockey Player
My strength and power have improved significantly. My shot in hockey has improved in speed, quick release and over all responsiveness in puck control. Lateral movement has increased in speed, and overall stability and core strength have improved. I’ve loved it so far, I’m doing round two as of next week.
I’ve always been a hard gainer. I’ve never weighed more than 153lbs even though I’m a hockey player. I’ve tried so many times to gain weight, in and out of the gym. I’ve only been on your program for 2.5 weeks and I’m already up to 155lbs. Also I was SUPER weak maxing out my front squat at 135lbs, but now I’m front squatting 225. I’m playing club hockey next season and wanted to get bigger, and in better shape. After all my failure at gaining weight I’m trying one more time, and I’m already seeing results, and it’s only been 2.5 weeks.
Matt M., Hockey Player
Jake introduced his Hypertrophy Cluster Training to me while I was at Judson University coaching. We were looking for a program to start our players on to start our spring strength training. Myself and the rest of the coaching staff didn’t have enough knowledge on how to help our guys get to the next level. The first three weeks of our strength training you could see that they were getting stronger and gaining mass. The program was laid out in a format that was easy for our guys to understand so we could get maximal results. I thought our strength program definitely took a big step while using this program.
Cole Schreiner Northland College Men's Basketball Assistant Coach
Thanks for the program. It was hard and tough but so worth it. I can see a lot of changes and a huge progress. Body feels great and stronger, looks leaner/more muscular as well but to be honest I'm tired. Well deserved rest time. Excited for my off week and can't wait to go after it again afterwards. I would recommend this workout to anyone who wants to get stronger and bigger but is only willing to go hard and to stay disciplined. If you go hard and take care of all the details around you will see serious gains, no doubt.
Vid M., Collegiate Basketball Player
Jake Tuura's Hypertrophy Cluster Protocol does exactly what it says it will.
A straightforward, easy-for-anyone program that even complete beginners can follow.
Perfect for the person who wants to add functional weightlifting that translates into agility and athletic ability.
The biggest takeaway form his program is...
Big and Strong does NOT mean Bulky and Slow
You don't need to sacrifice explosive power, speed, quickness, agility or reflexes for the sake of getting stronger.
Jake's program shows you how to do it.
And the best part?
You lift MORE raw weight... but don't feel sore at all the next day!
It's the way he splits up the sets and reps.
- David P.
Jake, final week of your hypertrophy program! Been enjoying the crap out of it and learning a lot while doing it... my wife says I look and feel bigger. And athletes at my school are saying I been getting swole. As a matter of fact, a student that I had last year saw me today and said "Coach, you're getting muscles, good job."
- Alfonso Perez
Tested my back squat 1rm before the first 10x4 lowers session after doing the 8x5 front squat I felt my legs get stronger and managed to hit 200kg for my back squat. 10kg PB and never attempted over 190 before. When I hit 190 I was 10kg heavier as well
Sam G. Former Semi-Pro Rugby Athlete